Monday, November 19, 2007

Kung Fu Counseling

Welcome to Camp Pendalouan. It is our hope that you feel at home here. We have very high expectations of you and you should have the same of Support Staff and this manual. It is intended as a resource for you to use all summer. Please don’t stick it in your cubby and forget about it. It can be a great benefit every week.

Before we begin the manual proper, it is important that you understand the expectations of you. Here at Pendalouan, I have a “Kung Fu Counselor” philosophy. Perhaps you chuckle at that, but it is important you take it seriously as well as light-heartedly. Kung Fu originally meant mastering any skill.

There are many skills and values a person can grow and learn in so they can constantly improve as a counselor. That is what “Kung Fu Counselor” means. To continue improving throughout the summer.

To that end, counselors must be ready to take risks, to innovate, to make mistakes, to admit a lack of knowledge, and to be an example for the Campers to follow. As the summer progresses, you can set an example of growth for campers who return later in the summer.

Solid Expectations - to gauge your growth as a counselor.

 Be on time to everything. Flag raising, meals, activities, evening programs. Everything.
 Show camp spirit by being enthusiastic about all camp activities, mealtime rules, campfires, and anything calling for excitement and exuberance.
 Display concern (caring) for campers, both their health and safety. Watch that they eat healthy meals, wear clean clothes, and are washing up.
 Set an example with personal habits, dress, language, and lifestyle around campers. Children hate double standards.
 Take care of camp property and equipment. Take service projects seriously and help the kids with them. Put things back where they belong. Report maintenance concerns right away. Pick up litter.
 Remember: Camp is for the Camper. Camper needs have priority over staff needs. Camp is supposed to be fun. Make sure it is.
 Help camp run smoothly by supporting co-workers. Your supervisors are co-workers. Follow the rules, offer suggestions in a timely and appropriate manner, and do your job.
 Do your job first. When that is done, then you can see where else you can help.
 Communicate with co-workers. No one can fix a problem they don’t know about.
 Respect your peers and show it. Give them respect - don’t make them earn it. At the same time, take the steps TO earn respect from others.
 Contribute to the program in a way unique to you. You must be capable of doing the job, or you wouldn’t have been hired. Find a way to be valuable. Camp needs quiet people just as much as it needs loud people.
 Turn all written items in on time and filled out correctly. Such as fire drill reports and parent postcards.
 Be positive. You may disagree with something, but save controversy for staff-only settings. Campers should see only positive actions.
 Make bedtime positive. Help campers get to sleep through reading or singing. Your day is not over until the campers are settled in a feeling safe for the night.
 Do your part to enforce camp rules - and don’t make up your own. Do this in a positive way - it is a rare occasion when you will need to raise your voice at a camper.
 When your job is accomplished, go the extra mile by finding a new way to help.
 Accept all criticism. Criticism is a way to help you improve, and a true Kung Fu Counselor accepts it with pride.

By doing your best to meet these expectations, you will be an effective member of the staff. This will help camp be a better home for the campers we see.

Throughout this manual, you will learn how to deal with certain situations. Not all specific situations can be listed. There are too many! Every summer, some new and unheard of occurrence occurs. You can deal with any situation if you just remember a few things.

➢ Stay Calm. No matter what. Panic does nothing but lower your ability. So take a deep breath and stay calm.
➢ Be Patient. Take a deep breath again. Think about what could be said to fix a problem. Put yourself in a camper’s shoes.
➢ Observe. Look around you for a solution to a problem. Maybe you overlooked a tool such as a screwdriver or helpful camper.
➢ Prevent. Take the steps necessary to prevent problems from happening. There are always ways to prevent a situation.
➢ Remember. You aren’t always the one who could prevent a situation. You may need help, and you have it. Any staff member can help. Remember, you will have been trained and you are supported. No matter how big a mistake you may make, you will be supported.

You should also expect your supervisor to meet these expectations and responsibilities. We will set an example for you to follow, and you should be brave and speak up if you see a double standard forming.

A Counselor’s Responsibilities:

To the Campers:
• Safety rules are clearly explained and understood.
• They are well through practice of good personal hygiene.
• Camp is fun!
• Campers know when to lead and when to follow.
• Share their wonder for new things and help them delight in the natural world.
• Be patient, warm, concerned, caring.

To other staff members:
• Get to know all staff.
• Respect others’ needs for rest and relaxation.
• Support all staff members.
• Respect the privacy of others.
• Be helpful toward other staff.
• Cooperate.
• Realize you can learn to work together without being good friends.
• Be tolerant and understanding of “other ways” of doing things.
• Avoid cliques.
• Respect others’ backgrounds and experiences.
• Obey all rules.

To the Camp:
• Be honest, respectful, caring, and responsible.
• Respect camp traditions.
• Respect Camp rules.
• Take criticism and complaints to those who can do something about it.
• Respect private property and camp property.
• Be loyal.
• Behave professionally, yet personally.
• Maintain enthusiasm.
• Take initiative in general camp duties.

To Parents:
• Meet their expectations for children - learning about the environment and having a fun summer with rewards.
• Set an example of good behavior and manners.
• Spend time with visiting parents and share reflections on their child’s experience.

To Yourself:
• Be aware of your responsibilities and scope of your job.
• Be prepared to accept challenge.
• Be open-minded to new techniques and receptive to new ideas.
• Take time for yourself and stay healthy.

All this is just the introduction? Can you believe it? Well, let’s get started with the meat of the manual!

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